Please direct all general inquires and requested materials below to
To submit a loan request or inquire about out lending program, please include the following materials in your email:
Name, title, borrowing institution/university or other venue; a brief summary of the purpose of your request and timeline; and working exhibition description (no more than 500 words). Kindly note in subject line: “OBAF Loan Request.”
For inquires about funding opportunities for new scholarship and publications, please include the following in your email:
Name, title, borrowing institution/university or other venue; a copy of your CV; brief summary of the purpose of your request and timeline; anticipated budget; and completed copy of the grant request application. Kindly note in subject line: “OBAF Funding Request.”
Periodically, we will announce an open call for specific grants.
For access to research materials available by the Foundation or collection viewing, please include the following in your email:
Name, title, borrowing institution/university or other venue; a copy of your CV; brief summary of your research scope; tentative list of artist(s) and work(s) you intend to study; and the title and publisher for any publications (if applicable). Kindly note in subject line: “OBAF Research Request.”
Our internship program is geared toward professional development of the next generation of art historians and curators. Candidates are reviewed on a rolling basis. Specific internship positions may also be advertised. In order to reply, please include in your email:
Your name and university; a letter stating your interest; copy of your CV; description of ability to work remotely versus on-site; description of interest to receive academic credit hours or hourly compensation. Kindly note in subject line: “OBAF Internship.”